Håck ma's Castle - in Österreich

Castle Hacking Camping

FLUG Freiburger Linux User Group

CSD Freiburg

zum Christopher Street Day in Freiburg

FLUG Freiburger Linux User Group

GPN 22 - 2024

Gulaschprogrammiernacht Karlsruhe

SoliTech Hackathon


SoliTech Hackathon


Netzpolitisches Kaffeekränzchen

Trans in den Mai

zum autonomen Straßenfest im Grün

FLUG Freiburger Linux User Group


Solid Base, SoLaWi Hackathon

Solidarische Landwirtschaft Hackathon im CCCFr

in unseren Räumen findet an diesem Wochenende ein SoLaWi HAckathon statt. (solidarische Landwirtschaft)

solidbase Hackathon


In Freiburg, Germany there will be a special event 15-17 November 2019 in the frame of the SOLID BASE project to address the question of IT development and Community Supported Agriculture/ Solidarity Food Economy. The goal of the event will be threefold:

First, there will be user’s experience -based workshops, where exchanges between « hackers » and CSA activists will allow improvements to existing and developing IT tools. SolidBase allowed a review of CSA group management tools, with a specific interest for CSA farm budget management.

Second, there will be participatory sessions to share and disseminate further the training materials (incl. the SolidBase app for example) designed during the project. Trainers from different countries will confront their hands-on experience of training in CSA farm management and community building, using new online tools.

Third, hackers and CSA members/farmers will face off to investigate new areas of cooperation on various topics (mapping the movement, sharing stories from the field, campaigning for biodiversity…etc.).

People from across Europe will come to share, discuss and develop in the spaces of the Chaos Computer Club Freiburg. The event is organised by Agronauten supported by Netzwerk Solidarische Landwirtschaft and Urgenci. If you are interested to join please read our ideas regarding the event at solidbase Hackathon and contact info@agronauten.net for joining - 15th of September is the deadline for responses. There are limited spaces and we have limited budget for each person for transport/food/sleeping but surely it will be highly interesting and fun!
